Message from the Director

By EGI in News

April 8th, 2022

Message from the Director

Greetings from EGI. We are three months in to 2022, and already this year promises several exciting developments for the institute.

2022 is EGI’s 50th anniversary. Our history began in the early 1970s with a pair of energy institutes: the Earth Sciences & Resources Institute (ESRI) at the University of South Carolina and the University of Utah Research Institute (UURI) at the University of Utah. ESRI explored the globe for petroleum resources using a corporate associates model that continues with EGI. UURI developed geothermal energy resources through contract projects and many years of collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy. Both institutes developed a reputation for excellence in their respective fields. ESRI’s petroleum research division merged with UURI in 1995 to create EGI at the University of Utah. The legacies from our predecessor institutes have provided the foundation for our present success: the establishment of EGI as one of the largest cost-shared energy research consortia hosted at a university. The Carbon Science Research group is an integral part of EGI providing significant capabilities and tools to EGI and its collaborators for carbon management.

Our 2022 Corporate Associate Technical Conference will culminate in the celebration of our 50th anniversary. Please watch out for all the ways we are commemorating this anniversary on our website and our social media.

In other news of note, we are delighted to announce that Professor Kody Powell from the University of Utah Department of Chemical Engineering has joined EGI. Professor Powell will lead new efforts in renewable energy and energy systems evaluation at EGI that are consistent with his research interests. These contributions further deepen EGI’s capabilities for shaping the energy transition.

Read on for more news and developments from EGI. And as always, we encourage you to contact us online, by email or phone, or to reach out to our staff and affiliate scientists directly. We look forward to engaging with you on new projects and collaborations during this special year.

Milind Deo Signature

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Energy & Geoscience Institute
423 Wakara Way, Suite 300
Salt Lake City, UT 84108

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