By EGI in News
March 21st, 2022
EGI Scientists are active researchers, publishing and presenting not only through cost-shared research at EGI, but in peer-reviewed journals, scientific conferences and presentations, and to professional organizations. EGI Scientists regularly collaborate on research with colleagues both within EGI and in industry.
Milind Deo
Panja, P., McPherson, B. & Deo, M. 2022. Techno-Economic analysis of Amine-based CO2 capture technology: Hunter Plant case study. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 3:100041,
Jin, J., Lin, C., Assemi, S., Miller, J. D., Butt, D. P., Jordan, T., Deo, M. D. & Semeykina, V. 2021. Nanopore networks in colloidal silica assemblies characterized by XCT for confined fluid flow modeling. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 208:109780,
Rao, Q., Yidong Xia, Y., Li, J., Deo, M. & Li, Z. 2021. Flow reduction of hydrocarbon liquid in silica nanochannel: Insight from many-body dissipative particle dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 344:117673,
Tony Doré
Filina, I., Austin, J., Doré, T., Johnson, E., Minguez, D., Norton, I., Snedden, J. & Stern, R. J. 2021. Opening of the Gulf of Mexico: What we know, what questions remain, and how we might answer them. Tectonophysics, 822:229150,
Lundin, E. R., Doré, A. G., Naliboff, J. & van Wijk, J. 2022. Utilization of continental transforms in break-up: observations, models, and a potential link to magmatism, in Tectonic development, thermal regimes and hydrocarbon habitat of transform margins, and their differences from rifted margins. Nemčok, M., Doran, H., Doré, A. G., Ledvényiová, L. & Rybár, S., eds. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 524,
Nemčok, M., Doré, A. G., Doran, H. and Henk, A. 2022. Strike-slip terrains and transform margins: structural architecture, thermal regimes and petroleum systems. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, in press.
Sudeep Kanungo
Hafiz, M., Hakhoo, N., Bhat, G., Kanungo, S., Thusu, B., Craig, J., Ahmed, W. & Magotra, R. 2022. An assessment of the source potential and reservoir characterisation for tight gas exploration in the Subathu Formation shale, Himalayan Foreland Basin, northwestern India. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 230:105205,
Kanungo, S. & Barrow, A. 2021. Being LGBT in Geoscience Is Like Being Invisible. Scientific American (Published Dec. 14, 2021),
Kanungo, S. 2021. Geoscientist Interview. February 2, 2022.
Kevin McCormack
McCormack, K. L., Zoback, M. D., & Kuang, W. 2021. A case study of vertical hydraulic fracture growth, stress variations with depth and shear stimulation in the Niobrara Shale and Codell Sand, Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado. Interpretation, 9(4):SG59–SG69,
John McLennan
Hu, Z., Xu, T., Moore, J., Feng, B., Liu, Y., McLennan, J. & Yang, Y. 2022. Investigation of the effect of different injection schemes on fracture network patterns in hot dry rocks - A numerical case study of the FORGE EGS site in Utah. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 97:104306,
Xing, P., Moore, J. & McLennan, J. 2022. Minimum in-situ stress measurement using temperature signatures. Geothermics, 98:102282,
Zhao, Z., Yin, Q., McLennan, J., Li, Y., Peng, Y., Chen, X., Chang, C., Weiyang Xie, W. & Zhu, Z. 2021. Iteratively Coupled Flow and Geomechanics in Fractured Poroelastic Reservoirs: A Phase Field Fracture Model. Geofluids, Article ID 6235441, 13 pages,
Jin, J., Assemi, S., Asgar, H., Gadikota, G., Tran, T., Nguyen, W., McLennan, J. D. & Miller, J. D. 2021. Characterization of Natural Consolidated Halloysite Nanotube Structures. Minerals, 11:1308.
Riazi, M.R., Wilding, W. V., McLennan, J., Zeng, F., Wang, M., Khatib, S. & Hirohama, S. 2021. Developments in Shale Gas and Natural Gas. 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 7-11: Boston (MA).
Joseph Moore
Xing, P., Wray, A., Ignacio Velez Arteaga E., Finnila, A., Moore, J., Jones, C. & Borchardt E., & McLennan, J. 2022. In-situ Stresses and Fractures Inferred from Image Logs at Utah FORGE. Proceedings, 47th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, February 7-9; Stanford, (CA).
Hu, Z., Xu, T., Moore, J., Feng, B., Liu, Y., McLennan, J. & Yang, Y. 2022. Investigation of the effect of different injection schemes on fracture network patterns in hot dry rocks - A numerical case study of the FORGE EGS site in Utah. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 97:104306,
Xing, P., Moore, J. & McLennan, J. 2022. Minimum in-situ stress measurement using temperature signatures. Geothermics, 98:102282,
Brian McPherson
Panja, P., Jia, W. & McPherson, B. 2021. GC15A-0645 - Decline Curve Analysis in SACROC Unit using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13; New Orleans (LA).
Bao, T., Burghardt, J., Gupta, V., Edelman, E., McPherson, B. & White, M. 2021. Experimental workflow to estimate model parameters for evaluating long term viscoelastic response of CO2 storage caprocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 146:104796.
Moodie, N., Ampomah, W., Heath, J., Jia, W. & McPherson, B. 2021. Quantitative analysis of the influence of capillary pressure on geologic carbon storage forecasts case study: CO2-EOR in the Anadarko basin, Texas. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 109:103373.
Michal Nemčok
Nemčok, M. 2021. Tectonic development and structural architecture of the offshore Guyana and Suriname. European Association of Geophysicists & Engineers Guyana-Suriname Basin Seminar, September 7, 2021; virtual (invited Keynote speaker).
Nemčok, M., Doré, A. G., Doran, H. & Henk, A. 2022. Strike-slip terrains and transform margins: structural architecture, thermal regimes and petroleum systems. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, in press.
Nemčok, M., Pospíšil, L., Melnik, A., Henk, A., Doré, A. G., Rybár, S., Sinha, S. T., Choudhuri, M., Sharma, S., Stuart, C. J., Welker, C., Sinha, N., Nuttall, P. & Venkatraman, S., 2022. Crust first/mantle second and mantle first/crust second; lithospheric breakup scenarios along the Indian margins, in Tectonic development, thermal regimes and hydrocarbon habitat of transform margins, and their differences from rifted margins. Nemčok, M., Doran, H., Doré, A. G., Ledvényiová, L. & Rybár, S., eds. Geological Society of London Special Publication No 524, in press.
Nemčok, M., Doran, H., Doré, A. G., Ledvényiová, L. & Rybár, S. (Eds), 2021. Tectonic development, thermal regimes and hydrocarbon habitat of transform margins, and their differences from rifted margins. Geological Society of London Special Publication No 524, in press.
Nemčok, M., Ledvényiová, L., Henk, A., Rybár, S., Sinha, S. T., Pospíšil, L., Mikuška, J., Jánošík, M., Csibri, T., Staniaszek, S., Baranowski, A. & Gontar, T. 2021. Early post-breakup kinematic adjustments of continental-oceanic transform fault zones; Cape Range, Coromandal and Romanche transform margin case study, in Tectonic development, thermal regimes and hydrocarbon habitat of transform margins, and their differences from rifted margins. Nemčok, M., Doran, H., Doré, A. G., Ledvényiová, L. & Rybár, S., eds. Geological Society of London Special Publication No 524, DOI:
Palash Panja
Panja, P. & Wood, D. A. 2022. Chapter 7 - Production decline curve analysis and reserves forecasting for conventional and unconventional gas reservoirs, in Sustainable natural gas reservoir and production engineering. Wood, D. & Cai, J., eds. 183-215. Elsevier.
Panja, P., Jia, W. & McPherson, B. 2021. GC15A-0645 - Decline Curve Analysis in SACROC Unit using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 13; New Orleans (LA).
Panja, P., McPherson, B. & Deo, M. 2022. Techno-Economic analysis of Amine-based CO2 capture technology: Hunter Plant case study. Carbon Capture Science & Technology 3:100041.
Phelan, Z., Xing, P., Panja, P., Moore, J. & McLennan, J. 2022. Prediction of Formation Properties Based on Drilling Data of Wells at Utah FORGE Site Using Machine Learning, ARMA 22-135, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 26-29; Santa Fe (NM).
Panja, P. & Sorkhabi, R. 2022. Geomechanical Controls on Production Performance of Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Oil Wells in Southern Texas, ARMA 22-135, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 26-29; Santa Fe (NM).
Panja, P., Velasco, R., Asai, P. & Deo, M. 2022. New Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN) Model with Coupled Geomechanics and Fluid Flow, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTeC), June 20-22; Houston (TX).
Peter Rose & Michael Mella
Rose, P.E., Mella, M. & Walker, P. 2022. The use of the halogenated benzene sulfonates as geothermal and unconventional-petroleum tracers, Proceedings, 47th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, February 7-9, 2022; Stanford (CA).
Rose, P.E., Mella, M. & Williams, M. 2022. The use of reversibly adsorbing tracers for characterizing unconventional-petroleum reservoirs at geothermal-reservoir temperatures. Proceedings, 47th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, February 7-9, 2022; Stanford (CA).
van Wijk, J., Hobbs, N., Rose, P., Mella, M., Axen, G., & Gragg, E. 2021. Analysis of Geologic CO2 Migration Pathways in Farnsworth Field, NW Anadarko Basin. Energies, 14:7818.
Rose, P.E., Mella, M. & Walker, P. 2022. The Use of Halogenated Benzene Sulfonates as Geothermal and Unconventional-Petroleum Tracers. Proc. Forty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, February 7, Stanford University, SGP-TR-223.
Rose, P.E., Mella, M. & Williams, M. 2022. "The Use of Reversibly Adsorbing Tracers for Characterizing Unconventional-Petroleum Reservoirs at Geothermal-Reservoir Temperatures. Proc. Forty-Seventh Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, February 7, Stanford University, SGP-TR-223.
Stuart Simmons
Simmons, S. F., Allis, R. G., Kirby, S. M., Moore, J. N., & Fischer, T.P. 2021. Interpretation of hydrothermal conditions, production- injection induced effects, and evidence for enhanced geothermal system-type heat exchange in response to >30 years of production at Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah, USA. Geosphere 17: 30 p.
Rasoul Sorkhabi
Sorkhabi, R., & Stump, E. 2022. 5.5 Ma reactivation of the Main Boundary Thrust in Kumaun Himalaya: Evidence from fission-track dating. Himalayan Geology, 43:253-261.
Panja, P. & Sorkhabi, R. 2022. Geomechanical Controls on Production Performance of Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Oil Wells in Southern Texas, ARMA 22-135, 56th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, June 26-29; Santa Fe (NM).
Sorkhabi, R. 2022. Field Work and Field Trips. The Professional Geologist, 59(1):38-41.
Sorkhabi, R. 2022. Virtual Field Trips. The Professional Geologist, 59(2):38-39.